What is Ulcerative Colitis and Ayurveda: Sciatica refers to pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve travels from the lower back through the hips and buttocks and down each leg. Sciatica most often occurs when a herniated disk or an overgrowth of bone puts pressure on part of the nerve. This causes inflammation, pain and often some numbness in the affected leg. As per Ayurveda system of medicine, it is known as Gridhrasi..
- Diarrhea, often with blood or pus
- Rectal bleeding — passing small amounts of blood with stool
- Abdominal pain and cramping
- Rectal pain
- Urgency to defecate
- Inability to defecate despite urgency
- Weight loss
- Fatigue
- Fever
- In children, failure to grow
When to see a doctor:
- Abdominal pain
- Blood in your stool
- Ongoing diarrhea that doesn’t respond to nonprescription medications
- Diarrhea that awakens you from sleep
- An unexplained fever lasting more than a day or two
- The exact cause of ulcerative colitis remains unknown. Previously, diet and stress were suspected.
- One possible cause is an immune system malfunction.
- Heredity also seems to play a role in ulcerative colitis.
- Infection
- Hypersensitivity to various allergens and ischemia.
- Vasculitis, or several drugs.
- Severe bleeding
- Severe dehydration
- A rapidly swelling colon, also called a toxic mega colon
- A hole in the colon, also called a perforated colon
- Increased risk of blood clots in veins and arteries
- Inflammation of the skin, joints, and eyes
- An increased risk of colon cancer
- Bone loss, also called osteoporosis
- Endoscopic procedures with tissue biopsy are the only way to definitively diagnose ulcerative colitis.
- Blood tests.
- Stool studies.
- Colonoscopy
- Flexible sigmoidoscopy
- CT scan and MRI
Treatment: As per Ayurveda, ulcerative colitis can be considered as Pittaja Grahani/ Rakta atisara / Pittaja pravahika.
Best internal medicines:
- Ambashthädi gana Kashaya
- Dräkshādi Kashaya
- Dusparshakädi Kashaya
- Gulücyādi kashaya
- Kaidaryädi Kashaya
- Mahätiktakam Kashaya
- Musta kshira Kashaya
- Mustadi gana Kashaya
- Mustakaranjädi Kashaya
- Tiktakam Kashaya
- Trāyantyadi Kashaya
- Ushirädi Kashaya
Arishta / Asava:
- Lödhräsavam
- Jirakärishta
- Kharjjürāsava
- Kutajärishtam
- Madhükasava
- Mustärishta
- Vasarishta
(Better to avoid arishtas & asavas especially in the bleeding phase)
- Dadimavaleha
- Vasavaleha
- Kushmandavaleha
- Bilwadi Lehya
- Kalyanaka Avaleha
- Dadimashtaka Churna
- Gangadhara Churna
- Talisadi Churna
- Pushyânuga Churna
Gulika/ Vati/ Guggulu/ Parpati:
- Kutaja Ghana Vati
- Vilwādi gulika
- Chitrakadi Gulika
- Chärngeryadi gulika
- Pushyänugam gulika
- Suvarnnamuktādi gulika
- Bola parppati
- Rasa parppati
- Swarnna parppati
- Panchamruta parpati
- Chärngeryädi Gritha
- Grahanyäntakam Gritha
- Mahätiktakam Gritha
- Pathyäpäda Gritha
- Tiktakam Gritha
- Satavari Gritha
- Kutaja Lehya
- Madhusnuhi Rasäyana
- Parüshakadi Lehya
- Satävari Gulam
Panchakarma Treatment:
- Vamana – therapeutic emesis in case of bleeding from lower passages in selected cases.
- Virechana – therapeutic purgation should be given after the disease has been cured.
- Pittahara Vasti – enemas to combat vitiated pitta with decoctions and oils / ghee.
- Piccha Basti – special forms of enema meant for bleeding disorders, especially inflammatory bowel disease and colitis associated with bleeding.
- Nabhi Lepa / Nabhi Vasti – Nabhi i.e. navel is considered to be the chief site of pitta.
- Shirodhara / Shiro Basti – Medicated liquids (milk) and oil are poured over the head in streams or pooled over the head.
- Takra Dhara - Ayurvedic therapy using medicated buttermilk to help the brain and mind relax, and reduce stress.
Foods to avoid:
Diet can affect ulcerative colitis flare-ups. These include:
- Lactose products: Lactose is a sugar within dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt. While lactose is not problematic for all people with ulcerative colitis, these products can trigger symptoms in some individuals.
- Red meat and processed meats: Doctors recommend people with ulcerative colitis limit their intake of these foods to avoid worsening symptoms.
- Alcohol: Alcoholic drinks, such as wine, beer, and liquor, may trigger ulcerative colitis symptoms in some people.
- Carbonated drinks: Some sodas and beers contain carbonation that can irritate the digestive tract and cause gas.
- Nonabsorbable sugars: Consuming artificial sweeteners, such as sorbitol and mannitol, could trigger symptoms. The sugars in some fruits, such as prunes, pears, and peaches, may also be difficult for the body to absorb and could worsen symptoms.
- Insoluble fiber foods: These include raw green vegetables such as broccoli, whole nuts, whole grains, and fruits with the skin. They may increase the number of bowel movements, the amount of gas, and abdominal cramping.
- Sugary foods: Cakes, pastries, candy, and juices could trigger an ulcerative colitis flare-up.
- High-fat foods: A person with ulcerative colitis should avoid high-fat foods, such as butter, fatty meats, coconut, and fatty, fried, or greasy foods.
- Spicy foods: These include hot sauces, chilies, and hot peppers. Spicy foods may trigger or worsen a flare-up.
- Gluten: This is a protein present in wheat, rye, and barley. It can sometimes trigger symptoms in those with ulcerative colitis. A gluten-free diet significantly benefitted 66% of participants with IBD by reducing symptoms and flare-ups.
Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis in Ayurveda:
After proper consultation, individualized treatment plans will be developed by expert Ayurvedic doctors. Depending upon the condition, different types of Ayurveda Panchakarma treatments and internal medicines are advised.
General Recommendations:
- Maintaining a wholesome diet that avoids triggering foods.
- Regular consultation with an Ayurvedic doctor for customized treatment plans.
- Following a balanced lifestyle with stress management techniques such as yoga and meditation.
At KPN Ayurveda, we provide the best Ulcerative Colitis ayurvedic treamtment in Hassan.