Leech therapy / Jalaukavacharana is defined as the therapeutic application of living medicinal leech to the skin in order to evacuate blood from a localized area of the body.
Ayurveda and Leech therapy:
In Ayurveda leech or Jaluka is
used to
expel out impure blood containing dosha.In various classical ayurvedic
texts like astanghrudyam Sushruta Samhita, there is a wide description
of leech therapy. Acharya Sushruta propounds practical guidelines for
bloodletting and claims it as the most effective therapy in half of the
body ailments.
Among various methods for bloodletting such as
Jalaukavacharana karma, Prachhanna karma and Siravedhana karma.
Jalaukaavacharna Karma (Leech therapy) is considered as the ideal method
to expel out the vitiated blood safely, quickly, and effectively.
Application of medicinal leech reportedly increases blood flow within
congested tissue via active feeding and indirectly by passive bleeding
from leech bite offer detachment.
Active and passive bleeding are both
facilitated by the actions of the different salivary secretions of the
leeches such as hirudin-an anticoagulant.
Method of leech application:
Selected leeches should be smeared with paste of mustard and turmeric,then
kept in water pot for 48 minutes. Active leech is selected and picked out to
keep in separate water pot.
Procedure of Jalaukavacharana:
The patient is made to sit or lie down, affected area is washed with clean
water. Then the selected leech is kept over the affected area to bite and
suck the blood. And retained with soft, white, moist cotton cloth is kept
over it. With the appearance of pricking pain and itching at the site of the
bite, it is to understood that leech is sucking pure blood, then it should
be removed by sprinkling salt or turmeric powder over its mouth.
Post therapy procedure:
At the site of bite, turmeric is applied to arrest the bleeding.
How to know the leech is biting the affected area?:
when it makes its mouth in the shape of a horse’s hoof, and lifts its neck
then it is to be understood as biting, it should be covered with a moist
cloth and retained.
What to do if leech does not bite the affected area?:
If it does not bite, a drop of milk or blood is put at its mouth or small
incision is made over the affected area. Inspite of all these procedure if
it does not bite, then another leech is applied.
Benefits of Leech therapy:
- Skin disorder - Acne, skin diseases, Increase skin glow, Psoriasis, eczema
- Blood vitiated with pitta dosha
- Diabetic ulcers
- Varicose veins
- Vatarakta (Gout)
- Sciatica, lumbar spondylosis
- Osteoarthritis
- Abscess
- Herpes
- Hemorrhoids
- Diseases of neck and eyes
- Joint Pain
- Venous congestion
- Joint stiffness
- Different types of infections
Therapeutic actions:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Increases blood circulation
- Analgesic (reduces pain)
- Thrombolytic (dissolves blood clot)
- Antimicrobial activity